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tenure under the old zamindar of Peddápuram. When that zamindari fell into the hands of Government, the muttadar held on the same tenure directly under the new owners. He rebelled in 1845 and the mutta was accordingly resumed. It contained 80 villages.

At Jaddangi is held one of the few markets in Yellavaram. Near the village is a cave containing the image of the wellknown Bráhman saint Mándavya Mahámuni, who is supposed by the local people to have lived in the cave. The river Mádéru is said to have been called after him.

Kóta: Twelve miles north-north-west of Addatígela. Population 105. Contains a police-station, and is the chief village of the hill mutta of the same name, but is a petty collection of huts. It is said to have originally formed a part of the Rampa mansabdar's estate, under which it was prop- erly held on service tenure. Under the muttadar there are five sub-muttas ; namely, those of Yerragonda, Yarlagedda, Pasaraginni, Nulakamaddi, and Samagedda. Of these the first named pays a kattubadi to the muttadar of Rs. 80 a year, and the others each Rs. 50. The muttadar himself pays Government an annual quit-rent of Rs. 210.

The police-station seems to have been taken by the insurgents at the commencement of the Rampa rebellion, and an attempt made on March 17th 1879 by a force of police to reach and hold it was unsuccessful. It was however soon re-occupied, and resisted several attacks during April. It is now the most unpopular station in the district.

Móhanapuram: Seven miles north-west of Addatígela. Population 138. It is the chief village of a hill mutta which was formerly under the mansabdar of Rampa, and since 1879 has been held on service tenure direct from Government. The quit-rent is Rs. 25.

Nellipúdi: Twenty miles south-south-west of Addatígela. Population 835. Contains a travellers' bungalow and a weekly market. The village is held on mokhása tenure. It was given to the father of the late mokhásadar, who died in 1906, in recognition of his services to Government. The village was formerly part of the Rampa mansabdar's property. The quit-rent is Rs. 350.

Pandrapóle: Eight miles north-west of Addatígela. Population 87. Another of the old Rampa muttas. The father of the present muttadar, who is also the muttadar of Kóta, was confirmed in possession in 1879 on a quit-rent of Rs. 70.

Rámavaram: Seventeen miles north-west of Addatígela and included in the Kóta mutta. Contains a travellers' bungalow. Qn a hill near this village is a small cave in which are four