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The Tracks We Tread

ways,” said Lossin, comfortably, and Hynes added:

“Same here. I’ll eat me false teeth if it weren’t Jimmie as sucked poor old Buggy dry an’ lef him ter starve———”

“Ted’s runner-up fur them stakes———” began Garron, and staggered back as Danny leapt for him.

“Tell him that ter his face, will yer, ye ———? An’ if he leaves the two jaws on yer it’ll be so as yer kin beg his pardon the way he kin onnerstan’ it! Ted! Ted Douglas! Doesn’t we know———”

“As he an’ Jimmie was the on’y two old Buggy’d ever hev inside his door,” ended Garron, holding the little man off. “And there’s one on ’em wheedled all his rhino outer him, poor old fool. An’ ‘Dun’t you throw it up ter the lad,’ says he. ‘He was kind ter the old man,’ says he.”

“Old ass, he should have said,” amended Hynes. “But Murray ain’t sure, else why is he grubbin’ high and low fur inflamation ’fore he knows if it’s wuth while ter bring Ted in from his musterin’ er Jimmie from All Alone?”

“Old Buggy knowed it was Ted, or would he have died with his mouth shut?” said Garron departing; and Lossin came into the talk.

“What d’yer expect ter git fur them steers, Danny?”