Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/145

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The Tracks We Tread

For the first time in memory Murray’s brain was knocked flat.

“Yes,” he said, weakly.

“An’ that’s what yer here fur? Roped in Ted yet?”


“Well, Ted done it. You put Ted and me face ter face an’ I’ll tell you how. I’m through wi’ my contrac’ next week, an’ I’ll be along then, if that’s soon enough. Are it?”

“How am I to know that you won’t run?” said Murray, lightly.

Jimmie stood upright, and his uneven breaths shook the loose shirt.

“Ted Douglas put shame on me ’fore all the fellers,” he said. “D’yer think as I’ll ever furgive him fur that? I’d kill him ef I was big enough. D’yer think I’d lose this chanst? Murray, I’d walk my feet raw but I’d git the nick on him ef I had ter go down ter the township barefoot.”

Murray got up and flung the door open.

“I call for you this day week,” he said. “Ted Douglas will be down from the mustering then. And now, I am going on to Lachlan’s. There’s not room in this place for you and me.”