Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/169

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The Tracks We Tread

And then Randal forgot the pledge that he had given to Ormond with his hand-grip.

It was dusk when Ormond came into the hut. Randal lay on the bunk with his face on his arms; but the tension of his body showed no rest. He rose as Ormond struck a light.

"Thanks," he said, vaguely. "I've made my- self pretty much at home, haven't I? Good- night."

Ormond's hand was on the latch first.

"Where are you going?"

"Down to the township — ^to get drunk, I think. Phelan's is the best place, if you'd like to know. Kerosene and painkiller. But it knocks the senses out of you quicker than any- thing else."

"You'll have tea with me first," said Or- mond, unmoving.

"No — ^let me go, Ormond."

"I am not going to ask questions. But you are safer here than in Phelan's bar to-night, Randal."

"I have broken my word to you," said Ran- dal.

The steady grey eyes met his straightly. Then Ormond came over with his hand out.

"I had no business to ask it, I think. Will you shake again, Randal ? And now we'll have some tea."