Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/189

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Chapter XII

“You know where he’s gone,” said Ted Douglas, fiercely. "He corned down here last night, an' he wi' every man's lyin' mouth agin him. An' this mornin' he's lighted out some- wheres. Where is he gone? What did yer do ter him — fur he'd be sure ter come ter you, being a Carth'lic."

Father Denis reached a fat arm and clapped the door to, swiftly. For without, in the pad- dock that sloped to the creek, the school chil- dren were playing cricket, and sound carried far in the still air.

"I'm thinkin' we'd du foine wid no ears stretchin' too close," he said. "Jimmie Blaine, is ut? Yes, he came tu me. What then?"

"They put the lie on him up at the Iron Hut," said Ted, speaking with stiff lips. "I know as Jimmie don't know nothin' nor ain't told Murray nothin'. But yer can't argue wi' them boys, so I tuk the whole blame an' had done wi' it. Most on 'em ain't spoke wi' me since. That's easy righted. But I want ter know does Jimmie think they'll put it on ter

him fur truth ? I'd 'a' knocked their silly heads