Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/275

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The Tracks We Tread

your letters went away. Oh — surely I have known it always, though I didn't understand. Oh, Guy! there was only you for me and me for you since God made us. Guy — my own dear one!"

"No!" said Randal. "I can't; I am not worthy!"

She came to him, standing with her hands linked, and her grave dark eyes on his.

"You have no choice, Guy," she said simply. "And I have not any, either. I have been a child always. Now I am a woman, for I know what love means. It is very terrible, Guy, and it frightens me, because it has taken every- thing out of the earth but God and you. Guy — ^help me! For love is too big for a girl to bear it by herself!"

Her voice broke, and her hands came over her face. And, by the loss of the child-frank- ness of old, Randal understood, EiSe had come into her woman's heritage that was to be his also.