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  1. With in how many minutes should a cricket team send a batsman to the pitch to replace the batsman Who is declared out?
  2. What is the net height of Sub - Junior Volley Ball match?
  3. How many players make a soft ball team?
  4. Expand the term ICC?
  5. What is SAI?
  6. What donets the term RDS?
  7. What is the width of a Ball Badminton Racket?
  8. what are the two types of style adopted in International weight lifting?
  9. What is the length and breadth of a Boxing ring?
  10. Which is the motherland of Polo game?
  11. Which is the motherland of Shuttle Cock game?
  12. When Shuttle Cock game was first played in India, what was its original name?
  13. Who founded the Judo?
  14. How many Players are there in a team in a water polo game?
  15. Who is nick named as Haryana Hurricane?
  16. What is the national sport of Japan?