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THE BOOKS OF ALICE MEYNELL — Contmued, THE SPIRIT OF PLACE, and Other Essays. i2mo. ^1.25. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle : " A volume of delightful essays. It is doubtful whether any essayist has ever received so much reverential praise from contemporaries as Mrs. Alice Meynell. Certainly no woman has ever been so universally acknowledged as having complete command of English. Ruskin, George Meredith, and the leading reviewers are for once agreed." THE CHILDREN. With Covers, End-Papers, Title-page, Initials, and other Ornaments w designed by Will H. Bradley. i2mo. ^1.25. TAis is thejint book printed at the Wayside Press by Will H. Bradley. Professor J. Sully : " To a pretty theme she has applied her prettiest manner. She comes certificated by authoritative hand, as trained by maternal sympathy in the unlocking of children's secrets." THE WORKS OF F. B. MONEY-COUTTS THE REVELATION OF ST. LOVE THE DIVINE: A Poem. i6mo. $1.00. THE ALHAMBRA, AND OTHER POEMS. i2mo. ^1.25. POEMS. i2mo. ^1.25. THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS. i6mo. ^i.oo. Stephen Phillips : " The reader feels behind this verse always a brave and tender spirit, a soul which has at any rate * beat its music out; ' which will not compromise, which cannot lie, which is in love with the highest that it sees.' ' H. D. Traill : " Mr. Money-Coutts is master of the rare and difficult art of clothing thought in the true poetic language." The London Daily Chronicle says : *' Mr. Money-Coutts has imagination and feeling in plenty ; he has vigour and sincerity of thought ; and he has often a very noteworthy felicity of phrase. He is a strong poetic craftsman, and his work is always carefully and delicately finished. It is plain on every page that Mr. Coutts is a serious and strenuous craftsman, who places a fine and individual faculty at the service of a lofty ideal." THE WORK OF E. NESBIT (mrs. bland). A POMANDER OF VERSE. i2mo. ^^1.50. Mr. William Archer : "There is more feeling than art in the poetry of Miss E. Nesbit; but the feeling is often very genuine, and of the art one may at least say that it has ripened with every book the poetess has put forth. Miss Nesbit had from the first a remarkable fluency and a correct ear for metres. Her real strength is centred in the pure lyric, whether personal or semi-dramatic. It is in the simplicity of the sheer love-song that Miss Nesbit touches her truest note." THE WORKS OF HENRY NEWBOLT ADMIRALS ALL, AND OTHER POEMS. i6mo. 35 cents. THE ISLAND RACE: Poems. i6mo. ^i.oo. The London Daily Chronicle: " Perfect in their kind, and could not be bettered." The St. Louis Globe-Democrat: " Delicate, and almost elusive, as is the spirit of his muse, it yet sweeps the whole range of human life and whispers not too boldly, but yet all trustingly, of the life beyond or behind it. The spiritual tone that uplifts it is one of the special merits of this poet's verse, and its lyric sweetness and melody its unfailing charm. There are no halting rhymes anywhere, nor any labored notes or hard coined words to break the grace, delicacy, and clearness of both poetic thought and expression." The New York Tribune : " It is a great comfort to come upon a new singer."