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Electronic Video Art. On a final note I would like to present some basic ideas toward the area of electronic art as a direction that video games will take. In terms of a strict definition the ability to create a television picture out of basic elements is what I mean by video art.

The results of my own research in this area has led me to fashion a basic set of visual ingredients consisting of color, form, texture, and motion. By permuting these elements in various ways a large number of distinct images can be formed.

The divergence of video art will encompass both realistic and representative forms as well as more abstract and decorative styles. As one set of examples of what might be done in this area some still frames are shown, photographed in black and white, in Figure 8.

As the completing part of my presentation I shall present a videotape called "Illuminated Music" which I performed with my Direct Video Synthesizer several years ago, on a live broadcast over KQED-TV, San Francisco. In it you will see some 30 or more distinct image effects which I have perfected and simplified over the past 8 years of working with video synthesizers.

As to what lies beyond this, I leave that to the designers, engineers, and others in attendance at "Gametronics", 1977.
