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Throughout this paper, the writer has repeatedly stated that the only way in which those portions of the FCC's Rules and Regulations which are applicable to the TV Games Industry can be improved is for the Industry itself to initiate the action. It does this by submitting a "Petition For Rulemaking" to the FCC. By law, this submittal will initiate a series of notices, reports, and evaluations which can eventually lead to an amendment of the Rules. So how do we get the ball rolling? The writer suggests the following three step program:

(1) An ad hoc committee be assembled consisting of representatives from each of the concerned manufacturers. The purpose of the committee will be to establish the basic objectives of the Industry in the area of its relationship to the FCC. The committee will also explore the possibility of forming a permanent CBEMA-type organization (on a much smaller scale, of course).

(2) A technical investigation effort, directed by the committee, be initiated to study and proof-test various alternatives to the Type Approval requirements and procedures. These tasks will be shared by the various participating members, and periodic meetings of the committee will digest and report on the contributions of the participants.

(3) An interface between the committee and the FCC will be established to ensure that the interests of both parties are considered, so that the probability of eventual improvement of the Rules and Regulations is maximized.
