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Fig. 2


The “soccer” type game is shown in Figure 2. With this game each participant has a ‘goalkeeper’ and a ‘forward’. The layout is such that the ‘goalkeeper’ is in his normal position and the ‘forward’ is positioned in the opponent’s half of the playing area.

When the game starts, the ball will appear travelling from one goal line towards the other side. If the opponent’s forward can intercept the ball, (Figure 2a), he can ‘shoot’ it back towards the goal. If the ball is missed it will travel to the other half of the playing area and the first team’s forward will have the opportunity of intercepting the ball and redirecting it forward at a new angle according to the ‘player’ section which is used (Figure 2b). If the ball is ‘saved’ by the ‘goalkeeper’ or it reflects back from the end boundary, the same forward will have the opportunity to intercept the outcoming ball and divert it back towards the ‘goal’.

A ‘score’ is made in the “soccer” game by ‘shooting’ the ball through the defined goal area. The scoring and game control is done automatically as for the tennis game. The same audio signals are used to add atmosphere to the game.

Fig. 2a Return of “Goal Save”

Fig. 2b “Shooting” Forward
