Page:Gammer Gurton's garland of nursery songs and Toby Tickle's collection of riddles.djvu/30

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fellow, and had a few days before beaten a farmer's dog, who seeing him coming along with Scug upon his shoulder, resolved to be revenged on him; so he went slily behind him, and gave him a good bite on the calf of the leg, that he roared out like a bull, and thought so much of the pain he was in, he forgot to hold fast the chain; which Scug perceiving, gave him the slip, and scoured away as fast as possible; the clown, recollecting himself, ran after him. The chain was so heavy, that poor Scug found he must soon be taken, he therefore ran into the Parson's yard to seek for shelter, where that pretty good girl, Sally Sampler, the Parson's daughter, happened to be, and kindly took him under her protection. The clown insisted upon having the Squirrel as his right;