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There are two ponds here, named Makri-Kund and Hattia-Haran, which have important mythological associations. The story of these is, that one Makri was a fairy at the court of the god Indra, who incurred the displeasure of her master, and was visited with his curse, and, in consequence, became a tadpole, inhabiting this pond. To her many importunities that she might be released from this low state, Indra at length listened, and she was assured that, should she succeed in touching the foot of Mahabir, the monkey-god, she would be restored to her former self. During the war in Ceylon which followed between Ram Chandar, the hero of the Rajputs, and Rawan, the champion of Buddhism (?) Lachhman, the brother of the former, was sorely wounded, and Hanoman was deputed to the Himalayas to fetch a charmed herb (miil-sajiwan) to effect his cure. On his journey Mahabir tarried at Begethua. Rawan having heard of the deputation of Mahiibir, despatched his own maternal uncle Kalnima, to intercept and detain him until the wounded Lachhman should On his arrival at this spot, Mahabir die in the absence of the drug. oncountered Kalnima in the garb of a devotee, and being beguiled by the But latter, he agreed to adopt him as his future preceptor and guide. Mahabir was thirsty from travel, and he was accordingly referred to the Makri-Kund for water, and while he was drinking, the golden opportunity was accorded to the suffering tadpole for which she had waited so She was at once restored to her former fairy shape, and exhibited long. her gratitude by divulging to Mahabir the plot of his enemy. The monkey-god then conceived the design of murdering Kalnima,. but having the fear of the consequences of taking the life of a Brahman before his he sought counsel of the fairy. She soon pointed out an escape from the embarrassment, and this was. by simply bathing in the neighbouring pond, called Hattia-Haran, and having afforded this information she disappeared into the clouds. Having rejoined the devotee, Mahdbir despatched him by driving him into the bowels of the earth, and he obtained the promised absolution by bathing in the pond indicated. eyes,

The Mansdpur Fair. About sixty years ago, Damar Das, Raghubansi of this village, gave himself up to prayer, and attained celebrity as a successHe was succeeded by his pupil Nihal Das, who also acquired ful divine. fame. The latter excavated a tank thirty years ago, and having had water carried from all the different well-known Hindu bathing-places, such as Allahabad, Muttra, Gya, Hardwdr, &c., in the presence of an immense assembly of men of the order, it was poured into this tank. Since then a bathing fair has been held at this place twice a year, on the 30th of Kartik and the 24th of Chait, which is attended by 20,000 people of the vicinity, when Das. The visitors offerino-s are made on the site of the funeral pyre of D4mar are brought for sale. rarely stay over the night, and no goods of importance


Brahman by name Dharmangat Pande, a The Bharonadi Fair. descendant of Mutkar Pande, was murdered by the Rajkumars of this heads of the latter by the spirit of village, and this sin was visited on the The memory of the Brahman village. soon lost the they for the deceased, of Kuar, when a fair is martyr is still honored on the 2.5th of the month no is attended by about 2,000 of the neighbours which held, annually produce of note is brought for sale.