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of great exertion[1], began to move himself little by little, until he reached what was left by the lion. He ate until he was satisfied; and the lad wondered at the work of God for his creatures, and at the (way in which) food was sent to this starving animal. He said to himself, "If God (whose name be praised) has destined[2] daily sustenance (to all), why should one endure toil, undertake journeys, and court[3] danger?" He then returned[4] to his father, and, relating the story, explained what had induced him to relinquish his journey[5]. His father said, "O my son! Thou art mistaken in thy view. I would thou wert a lion, so that hungry foxes might resort to thee, rather than a starving fox waiting for the scraps left by lions." The lad accepted his father's advice and resumed his journey[6].

VII. The Sparrow and the Snare.

This is a story of a sparrow that passed by a snare. The former asked, "Why do I see thee avoiding the pathway?" The snare answered, "I desire isolation from men, that I may be safe from them and they from me." The sparrow asked, "Why do I see thee living on the ground?" It replied, "Through humility." Then said the sparrow, "How is it that thou art so emaciated[7]". It answered, "Devotion (to God) has enfeebled me." Thereupon the sparrow said, "What is that rope round thy neck?"[8] It replied, "It is the dress of devotees." The sparrow asked, "What is this stick?" It replied, "(It is that) upon which I lean." Then the sparrow asked, "What is that wheat that thou hast?" It replied, "It is the surplus of my food which I have prepared for a hungry beggar or a traveller who has lost his way". Then said the sparrow, "Surely, I am a traveller and hungry;

  1. lit. bore great hardship upon himself.
  2. lit. guaranteed.
  3. lit. rush into.
  4. lit. retraced his steps to.
  5. lit. what turned him from his resolution.
  6. lit. returned to what he was doing.
  7. lit. thin of body.
  8. lit. on your shoulder.