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We stood at a distance from the spot, and 'Umar began to gaze, sometimes at the old woman, and other times at the children. We stood thus for a long time. Then I said to him, 'O Prince of the Faithful! why art thou standing in this wise[1]? Let us go.' He replied, 'By God! I will not depart until I have seen her pour out for the children (the contents of the pot), and until they have eaten and are satisfied.' We stood there for a very long time[2] and grew restless[3], fearing lest the people[4] should become suspicious of us. The children continued crying and weeping, and the old woman kept repeating to them her words, 'Hush! Hush! my children, in a little while the food will be cooked, and you shall eat.' Then 'Umar said to me, 'Let us go up to her and inquire.' Thereupon, he entered, and I followed him. 'Umar said to her, 'Peace be on thee, O aunt!' and she returned his salutation warmly. He asked her, 'Why are these children crying and weeping?' She replied, 'Because of their hunger[5].' 'Umar said, 'Why dost thou not give them to eat what is in the pot?' She replied, 'What is there in the pot that I should feed them upon? It is only to divert their attention until they get weary of crying, and sleep overcomes them, for I have nothing to feed them on.' Thereupon 'Umar walked to the pot, and, looking into it, found that it contained small pebbles with water boiling over them. 36He was surprised, and asked her what was the object in doing this. She replied, 'I make them imagine that some thing to eat is being cooked in the pot, and thus divert them with this, until they get tired and their eyes become heavy, and they (eventually) fall asleep.'

'Umar thereupon said to her, 'How is it that thou art in this condition?' She replied, 'I am friendless, having no brother, father, husband or kinsmen.' 'Umar said to her, 'Why dost thou not lay thy case before the Prince of the

  1. lit. what makes you stand.
  2. lit. our standing lasted very long.
  3. lit. grew tired of the place.
  4. lit. eyes.
  5. lit. because of the hunger they are suffering from.