Page:Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family.djvu/18

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Joseph6 Chase, of Newbury, was born March 25, 1677. About the year 1726, he sold his extensive estates in Newbury, and removed to Littleton, Mass. He is usually styled Planter. He married November 8, 1699, Abigail Thurston. His children were

Nathan,7 b. August 2, 1701.,
George,7 b. February 17, 1703.
Stephen,7 b. October 26, 1705.
Anne,7 b. February 11, 1707.
Abigail,7 b. March 27, 1709.
Hannah,7 b. February 25, 1711.
Rebecca,7 b. November 16, 1714.
Benjamin,7 b. June 21, 1717.
Joseph,7 b. December 8, 1719.

His son, the Reverend Stephen Chase, was graduated at Harvard College in 1728, and was ordained at Lynn, now Lynnfield, November 24, 1731. He was resettled over the Parish at Newcastle, December 6, 1750, where he died January, 1778. He was distinguished for great scholastic attainments, and enjoyed the repute of a profound theologian. He married in 1732, Jane, daughter of Colonel Joshua Wingate, of Hampton, who, as Captain Wingate, commanded a company at the siege of Louisburg, and died at Hampton in 1769, having filled many offices of trust in the County and Province. The children of Reverend Stephen Chase were

I. Abraham,8 b. March 25, 1734, d. same day.