Page:Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family.djvu/23

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Orleans, In 1805. He became Bishop of Ohio in 1818, which office he resigned in 1831. He was the founder and first President of Kenyon College. In 1885 he was chosen Bishop of Illinois, and continued his active exertions in behalf of the Protestant Episcopal Church, founding Jubilee College in 1838, till his death in 1852.

The Hon. Salmon Portland Chase, now Chief Justice of the United States, was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1826, with high honors. He was a Senator of the United States, from 1849 to 1855; Governor of Ohio, from 1855 to 1859; again a United States Senator in 1861; Secretary of the Treasury, from 1861 to 1864; and was appointed Chief Justice of the United States in 1865. He married, 1st, Catherine Jane Garniss, March 4, 1834; 2d, Eliza Ann Smith, September 26, 1839; 3d, Sarah Bella Dunlop Ludlow, November 6, 1846, and has several children, one of whom is the wife of the Hon. William Sprague, United States Senator from Rhode Island.

The name in this country has, from the earliest times, been usually spelled Chase—sometimes Chace. In the English records it is found variously spelled Chase—Chaace—Chaase. But in the early records, previous to the first half of the sixteenth century, it is always spelled Chase, as at the present day. The printed books of Arms and Crests, as is usually the case with such works, are all wrong in their description of the Chase arms, which correctly read thus; Gules, 4 crosses patonce Argent, on a canton Azure, a lion passant Or. Burke gives Chase vel Chansey; he should have given Chasey—the name of a modern family, who have assumed the arms of Chase.