Page:General History of Europe 1921.djvu/324

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236 General History of Europe as before by their masters, the lords of the manor. But in later centuries, when the serfs had become free, the Charter could be appealed to in support of the people in general against attempts of the ruler to oppress them. There were times when the English kings evaded its provisions and tried to rule as absolute monarchs. But the people always sooner or later bethought them of the Charter, which thus continued to form a barrier against perma- nent despotism in England. QUESTIONS I. Review briefly the settlement of England before the Norman Con- quest ( 321, 322, 365). Describe the development of Normandy. What policy did William adopt in governing England? What are some of the results of the Norman Conquest? II. What improvements in the administration of the law were introduced by Henry II ? How did the English rulers come to have possessions in France? What was the extent of their territory during the time of Henry II ? How was this territory regained by France ? Review the struggle of King John with the Pope. What were the circumstances leading to the signing of the Great Charter ? State some of its important provisions. NOTE. Edward I built Conway Castle in 1284 to keep the Welsh in check. Its walls are from twelve to fifteen feet thick.