Page:General History of Europe 1921.djvu/661

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The Revolutions of 1848 and their Results 505 sweep away most of the reforms that had been gained. Charles Albert abdicated in favor of his son Victor Emmanuel, who was destined before many years to become king of Italy (see next chapter). 900. Problems in forming a Constitution for Germany. In Germany, as elsewhere, Austria profited by the dissensions among her opponents. On May 18, 1848, the National As- sembly, consisting of nearly six hundred representatives of the German people, had met at Frankfort. It immediately began the consideration of a new constitution that should satisfy the popular longings for a German state, to be governed by and for the people. But what were to be the confines of this new German state? There was no hesitation in deciding that all the Prussian territories should be admitted to the new union. As it appeared impossible to exclude Austria altogether, the assembly agreed to include those parts of her territory which had belonged to the confederation formed in 1815 (851). This decision ren- dered the task of founding a strong German state practically impossible ; for the new union was to include two great European powers who might at any moment become rivals, since Prussia would hardly consent to be led forever by Austria. 901. Frederick William IV refuses to become Emperor. The new constitution provided that there should be a hereditary emperor at the head of the government, and that exalted office was tendered to the king of Prussia. Frederick William IV hated revolution and doubted whether the National Assembly had any right to confer the imperial title on him. He also fett that a war with Austria, which was likely to ensue if he accepted the crown, would be dangerous to Prussia, and so refused the honor. 902. The German National Assembly Disperses; the Old Diet Restored. This decision rendered the year's work of the National Assembly fruitless, and its members gradually dispersed. Austria now insisted upon the reestablishment of the old diet, and Prussia submitted. 903. Results of the Revolutions of 1848. While the revolu- tions of 1848 seem futile enough when viewed from the standpoint