Page:General History of Europe 1921.djvu/920

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XXX General History of Europe Nase'by, 356 Nassau (na'sou), 515 National Assembly, 419, 432 ff. ; errors of the, 437 f. Navarre (navar'), 302, 335 Navigation laws, 396 Near- Eastern question, 553 ff., 606 ff. Nebuchadnezzar (neb u kad nez'ar), 33. 44 Necker, 429 Neerwinden (nar vin'den), battle of, 444 Nelson, Admiral, 452, 462 f. Ne'ro, 157 Netherlands, revolt of the, 331 ff . ; in- vaded by Louis XIV, 369 ; Austrian, 372, 443 f., 456, 476, 484; king of the, 481. See Belgium, Holland, Republic (Dutch) Neustria, 188 Neutral nations, 464, 484, 613, 615, 618, 623, 630, 633, 652 New Atlantis, 349 New Testament, 169 Newcomen (nu kum'en), 491 Newfoundland ceded by France, 372 New Gra na'da, 483 New Orleans, 391 Newspapers, 439, 542 Newton, Sir Isaac, 412 New York, 361 New Zealand, 544, 546, 622 Niagara, Fort, 395 Nicaragua, 587 Nice (nes) ceded to France, 509 Nicholas I, 552 f. Nicholas II, 562 ff., 602 Nic o me'di a, 176 Nile, 10, 20 Nimwegen, 205 n. Nineveh (nin'e ve), 30, 33, 104 Nobility, French, 443 f., 479; new, 458 Norman Conquest, 228 f. Normandy, 228, 233, 285 North Sea during the World War, 615 Norway, 344 ; neutrality of, 633 Norwegian language, 265 Notables, assembly of, 431 Notre Dame (no'tr darn), 446, 458 Nova Scotia, 372, 391, 395, 543 Nov'go rod, 257, 375 Noyon (nwayon'), 641 Oc ta'vi an, 151 ff. O do a'cer, 183, 197 Od'ys sey, 61 Ohio valley, conquest of, 397 Old regime, 420 Old Testament, 43, 45 Oligarchies, Greek, 91 Olympic games, 66 f., 79 O lym'pus, 54 " Opium War," 575 Orange, House of, 476. See William of Orange Orange Free State, 547 f. Ordeal, trial by, 189 Orient, achievements of, 8, 45 ; lack of freedom in, 46; influence of, on the Mediterranean world, 57, 114, 168, 193 f. ; Europe and, 242, 254, 290; 296. See Crusades Origin of Species, by Darwin, 591 Orleanists, 528 n. Orleans (or'laan), Maid of, 285 Orleans, House of, 480 Ostracism, 68 Ostrogoths. See East Goths Oth'man, 386 Otto the Great, 2i6f. Ottoman Turks, 386 Ov'id, 200 Oxford, University of, 271 Painting, 295 f. Pa lat'i nate, 370 f. Palestine, 25,40, 56, 147, 237, 661 Panama Canal, 570 Pan-American Congress and Union, 586 f. Pan'the on, 165 Papacy, origin of, 195 ; revenues of, 308 f., 323 ; revolts against, 314,323. See Pope Papal possessions, 289, 482, 510, 518 f. Paper and paper-making, 13, 243 n., 276 f., 350 Pa py'rus, 1 3 Parchment, 276 Paris, University of, 27 1 ; Treaty of ('793)' 3945 city of, 404, 465 ; mob of, 419, 436 f., 441 f., 445, 474, 527; siege of, 517; German drive towards, 617 ; Peace Conference at (1919), 652 Paris, count of, 528 n. Parlements, 425, 431 Parliament, English, 351 ff.,363, 415!?., 532, 542 ; German, 482 ; Austrian and Hungarian, 502, 515; Italian,