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Table 5-1. (cont.)

State Type of AIANA Number Level

Massachusetts American Indian reservation 1 State

Tribal designated statistical area (TDSA) (this
TDSA was a State-recognized reservation in the
1980 census, but is no longer recognized by the
State; it is now pending Federal recognition as
a reservation)
1 Federal
Michigan American Indian reservations (five have
associated trust lands)
8, 1 Federal, State
Minnesota American Indian reservations 14 Federal
Entity consisting only of trust lands 1 Federal
Mississippi American Indian reservation (has associated
trust lands)
1 Federal

American Indian reservations (four
reservations have associated trust lands; one of these
reservations has trust lands that extend into
another State, but has no reservation lands in
that other State)
7 Federal
Additional entity consisting of lands identified
as belonging to two reservations
1 Federal

American Indian reservations (one reservation
has trust lands; three reservations extend into
another State, and one out-of-State reservation
has trust lands)
5 Federal
Tribal designated statistical area (TDSA) 1 State
Nevada American Indian reservations (two have associated
trust lands; four extend into other States)
22 Federal
New Jersey American Indian reservation 1 State
Tribal designated statistical area (TDSA) 1 State
New Mexico
American Indian reservations (eight have associated
trust lands; three extend into other States)
26 Federal

Additional entity consisting of lands identified
as belonging to two reservations
2 Federal
New York American Indian reservations 8, 2 Federal, State
North Carolina American Indian reservation 1 Federal
Tribal designated statistical areas (TDSAs) 5 State
5-4American Indian and Alaska Native Areas