Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/239

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the Unity and Universality of Providential care, as extending from the construction of a ring of two hundred thousand miles diameter, to surround the body of Saturn, and be suspended, like a magnificent arch, above the heads of his inhabitants, to the concerting and providing an appropriate mechanism for the clasping and reclasping of the filaments in the feather of the Humming-bird. The geologist descries at no less striking assemblage of curious provisions, and delicate mechanisms, extending from the entire circumference of the crust of our planet, to the minutest curl of the smallest fibre in each component lamina of the pen of the fossil Loligo. He finds these pens uniformly associated with the same peculiar defensive provision of an internal ink-bag, which is similarly associated with the pen of the living Loligo in our actual seas; and hence he concludes, that such a union of contrivances, so nicely adjusted to the wants and weaknesses of the creatures in which they occur, could never have resulted from the blindness of chance, but could only have originated in the will and intention of the Creator.


Proofs of Design in the Mechanism of Fossil Chambered Shells.


I shall select from the family of Multilocular, or Chambered shells, the few examples which I shall introduce from mineral conchology, with a view of illustrating certain points that have relation to the object of the present Treatise.

I select these, first, because they afford proofs of mechanical