Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/358

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The vertical position of these trunks, however, is only occasional and accidental; they lie inclined at all degrees throughout all the strata of the carboniferous series; but are most frequently prostrate, and parallel to the lines of stratification, and, in this position are usually compressed. When erect, or highly inclined, they retain their natural shape, and their interior is filled with sand or clay, often different from that of the stratum in which their lower parts are fixed, and mixed with small fragments of various other plants. As this foreign matter has thus entirely filled the interior of these trunks, it follows that they must have been without any transverse dissepiments, and hollow throughout, at the time when the sand, and mud, and fragments of other plants, found admission to their interior. The bark, which alone remains, and has been converted into coal, probably surrounded an axis composed of soft and perishable pulpy matter, like the fleshy interior of the stems of living Cacteæ; and the decay of this soft internal trunk, whilst the stems were floating in the water, probably made room for the introduction of the sand and clay.

These trunks usually vary from half a foot to three feet in diameter. When perfect, the height of many of them must have been fifty or sixty feet, at least.[1]

Coal formation, and infers from this fact that they grew on the spot where they are now found. M. Constant Prevost justly objects to this inference, that, had they grown on the spot, they would all have been rooted in the same stratum, and not have had their bases in different strata. When I visited these quarries in 1826, there were other trunks, more numerous than the upright ones, inclined in various directions.

I have seen but one example, viz. that of Balgray quarry, three miles N. of Glasgow, of erect stumps of large trees fixed by their roots in sandstone of the coal formation, in which, when soft, they appear to have grown, close to one another. See Lond, and Edin. Phil. Mag. Dec. 1835, p. 487.

  1. M. Ad. Brongniart found in a coal mine in Westphalia near Essen, the compressed stem of a Sigillaria laid horizontally, to the length of forty feet; it was about twelve inches in diameter at its lower, and six inches at its upper extremity, where it divided into two parts, each four inches