Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/389

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Fossil Palms.

The discovery of the remains of Palm Trees in the

Brown-coal of Germany has been already noticed; and the

Among the fossil shrubs are two species of Rhamnus; one of these (R. multinervis, Braun) resembles the R. alpinus, in the co station of its leaf. The second and most frequent species, (R. terminal is, Braun) may with regard to the position and co station of its leaves, be compared in some degree with R. catharticus, but differed from all living species in having its flowers placed at the tips of the plant.

Among the fossil Leguminous plants is a leaf more like that of a fruticose Cytisus than of any herbaceous Trefoil.

Of a Gleditschia, (G. podocarpa, Braun) there are fossil pinnated leaves and many pods; the latter seem, like the G. Monasperma of North America, to have been single seeded, and are small and short, with a long stalk contracting the base of the pod.

With these numerous species of foliaceous woods, are, found also 3 few species of Coniferæ. One species of Abies ls still undetermined; branches and small cones of another tree of this family (Taxodium europeum, Ad. Brong.) resemble the Cypress of Japan (Taxodium Japonicum.)

Among the remains of aquatic plants are a narrow-leaved Potamogeton; and an Isoetes, similar to the I. lacustris now found in small lakes of the Black Forest, but not in the Lake of Constance.

The existence of Grasses at the period when this formation was deposited, is shown by a well preserved impression, of a leaf, similar to that of a Triticum, turning to the right, and on which the co station is plainly expressed.

Fragments of fossil Ferns occur here, having a resemblance to Pteris aquilina and Aspidium Filix mas.

The remains of Equisetum indicate a species resembling E. palustre.

Among the few undetermined remains are the five-cleft and beautiful veined impressions of the Calyx of a blossom, which are by no means rare at Œningen.

No remains of any Rosaceæ have yet been discovered at this place." Letter from Prof. Braun to Dr. Buckland, Nov. 25, 1835.

In addition to these fossil Plants, the strata at Œningen contain many species of freshwater Shells, and a remarkable collection of fossil Fishes, which we have before mentioned, P. 285. In the family of Reptiles they present a very curious Tortoise, and a gigantic aquatic Salamander, more than three feet long, the Homo Diluvii testis of Scheuchzer. A Lagomys and fossil Fox have also been found here. (See Geol. Trans. Lond. N. S. vol. iii. p. 287.