Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/434

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When we have in this manner traced back all kinds of mineral bodies, to the first and most simple condition of their component Elements, we find these Elements to have been at all times regulated by the self-same system of fixed and universal laws, which still maintains the mechanism of the material world. In the operation of these laws we recognise such direct and constant subservience of means to ends, so much of harmony, and order, and methodical arrangement, in the physical properties and proportional quantities, and chemical functions of the inorganic Elements, and we further see such convincing evidence of intelligence and foresight in the adaptation of these primordial Elements to an infinity of complex uses, under many future systems of animal and vegetable organizations, that we can find no reasonable account of the existence of

minerals have been produced, by the phenomena of a single species; viz. the well-known substance of Carbonate of Lime.

We have more than live hundred varieties of secondary forms presented by the crystals of this abundant earthy mineral. In each of these we trace a live-fold series of subordinate relations of one system of combinations to another system, under which every individual crystal has been adjusted by laws, acting correlatively to produce harmonious results.

Every crystal of Carbonate of Lime is made up of millions of particles of the same compound substance, having one invariable primary form, viz. that of a rhomboidal solid, which may be obtained to an indefinite extent by mechanical division.

The integrant molecules of these rhomboidal solids form the smallest particles to which the Limestone can be reduced without chemical decomposition. The Erst result of chemical analysis divides these integrand molecules of Carbonate of Lime into two compound substances, namely, Quick Lime and Carbonic Acid, each of which is made up of an incalculable number of constituent molecules.

A further analysis of these constituent molecules shows that they also are compound bodies, each made up of two elementary substances, viz. the Lime made up of elementary molecules of the metal Calcium, and Oxygen; and the Carbonic Acid, of elementary molecules of Carbon and Oxygen.

These ultimate molecules of Calcium Carbon, and Oxygen, form the final indivisible atoms into which every secondary crystal of Carbonate of Lime can be resolved.