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The doctor kept Chirsty half running all the way down the High Street and St. Mary's Wynd, at such a pace did he walk, never lifting his eyes from the pavement, but always exclaiming now and then, 'It is wonderful'! most wonderfu'!' At length, prompted by woman's natural curiosity, she inquired at the doctor if he knew anything of their friend Mr R. of L.? But he shook his head, and replied, 'Na, na, dearie,—ken naething about him. He and his son are baith in London,—ken naething about him but the tither is awfu'—it is perfectly awfu!'

When DrWood reached his patient, he found him very, low, but only a little feverish, so he made all haste to wash his head with vinegar and cold water, and then he covered the crown with a treacle plaster, and made the same application to the soles of his feet, awaiting the issue. George revived a little, when the doctor tried to cheer him up by joking him about his dream; but on mention of that he groaned, and shook his head. 'So you are convinced dearie, that it is nae dream?' said the doctor.

'Dear Sir, how could it be a dream?' said the patient. 'I was there in person with Mr T. and his son; and see here are the marks of the porter's fingers on my throat.' Dr Wood looked, and distinctly saw two or three red spots on one side of his throat, which confounded him not a little. 'I assure you, Sir,' continued George, 'it was no dream' which I know to my sad experience. I have lost my coach and horses, and what more have I?—signed the bond with my own hand, and in person entered into the most solemn and terrible engagement.'

'But ye're no to keep it, I tell ye,' said Dr Wood. Ye're to keep it at no rate. It is a sin to enter into a compact wi the deil, but it is a far greater ane to keep it. Sae let Mr R. and his son bide where they are yonder, for ye sanna stir a foot to bring them out to-day.'

'Oh, oh! doctor!' groaned the poor fellow, 'this is not a thing to be made a jest o'! I feel that it is an engagement I cannot break. Go I must, and that very shortly. Yes,