Page:George Green - 2nd Light Horse Regiment Gallipoli Volume 1.djvu/7

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just by me a bullet splintered the deck between a mans feet. The pinnace which towed our barge was from the warship "Bacchante" & most of the 2nd L.H. remember the two "middies" in charge. Who would not be impressed. Two youths they were, one about 16 while the other didnt look more than 13, yet so nimble cool alert & efficient giving quiet orders to seamen old enough to have been their fathers. I know it did me good to talk to them.- they were all keenness to get to the trenches, "Wish I were going with you Sir Good luck" was their parting word to me. A few bursts of shrapnel greeted our arrival & we landed on the historic beach about 11.15 a.m. Tpr Elliott received a slight wound on the head on stepping from the barge & although he wasn't evacuated became our first "casualty".

For an hour or more we rested on the beach under cover of a cliff by Ari Burnu. There was enough novel sights on the beach to keep us amused. – the evacuation of wounded & the staking of stores, the chaos of the Zionist outfit with their appropriate "donks" the bathing & shipping activity – and we had time to give an exhibition. So characteristic of our regiment of "justifiable