Page:George Lansbury - What I saw in Russia.pdf/175

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the value and necessity of bathing and cleanliness generally. At present owing to the blockade and war it was impossible for the Government to supply the necessary means for securing baths or even a decent supply of water in some places, and there was certainly little or no soap for anybody.

We come right up against the blockade here, because it was not merely a question of the things I have mentioned, but disinfectants and medicines of all kinds had been cut off, so that his department worked with its hands tied behind it. For all this, very much had been done and very much more would be done within the next few months. They proposed to establish a Public Health Week during which, right throughout the country, public meetings and lectures would be held and the people encouraged to use all the means at their command, small as these may be, for the purpose of building up the health of the people.

He was careful to point out that the Russian Government was very anxious indeed to preserve the life of children. There are child welfare exhibitions in some towns. I went round one in Moscow with two fellow journalists : the exhibition was quite as good as anything I have seen in England and from a visit any intelligent mother could learn all