Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/105

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I 1878] The Ninth Kaffir War. 85 Bantu policemen, were following up some stolen cattle, and at eleven o'clock in the morning of the last day of the year came to a deserted farm on the Kwelegha river. There while resting the three white men were suddenly attacked and murdered, their police looking on without making any effort to assist them. In addition to a good deal of skirmishing, which had very little effect upon either the government forces or the Xosas, the rebels made two raids into Fingoland, and did a considerable amount of damage there. The first of these took place on the 28th of December, when they crossed the Kei at the junction of the Tsomo, and advanced six miles or nearly ten kilometres towards Blythswood, burning all the kraals and seizing all the cattle that could not be driven away in time. On the 8th of January 1878 a larger number crossed the Kei at the same place, and made a determined attack upon a strong party of Fingos encamped near the eastern bank purposely to defend the ford. Captain Korke was in command of the Fingos, and after an engagement that lasted an hour, the rebels were repulsed and driven over the river again, leaving twenty- three of their number dead on the ground. Two days later the Gaika location was entered by a colonial force with some Fingos attached to it, and in addition to other damage inflicted on the rebels, Ndimba's kraal was burned. On the 13th of January 1878 there was an engage- ment about four miles south-west of Kentani hill between a patrol under Lieutenant-Colonel Glynn and ten or twelve hundred Galekas, which lasted an hour and a half. Some fifty Galekas were killed by the fire from sniders, which was not only more rapid but effective at a greater distance than that from their muzzle loaders. Led by Kiva, however, they pressed on again and again, and five soldiers were wounded before they finally retired.