Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/131

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iSyS] Retirernent of the Molte7to Ministry. 1 1 1 On the other hand, Mr. Molteno maintained that so far from ignoring the governor, he had suppHed his Excellency with all the information obtainable, that all telegrams, without a single exception, received by him in Capetown had been immediately forwarded, and that his Excellency was as well acquainted with every transaction as he was himself. Every effort possible had been made to get colonial forces together, the chief obstacle being that the burghers were unwilling to serve under military com- manders who knew nothing whatever of the conditions of Kafiir warfare, but that by the middle of January a sufficient number had assembled on the frontier to deal with the rebellion without employing regular troops. There were at that time three thousand European volunteers and two thousand Fingos in the field, con- stituting a force ample for the purpose. In the threatening condition of things in Europe, caused by the war between Russia and Turkey, he thought the troops could be more usefully employed in other parts of the empire, though we should be none the less grateful to the authorities in England for sending them to our assistance when it was thought they were needed. He asserted that the governor paid no heed to the advice given by the ministers, but contended that he had independent power as commander-in-chief over the colonial forces, and could do as he liked. The ministers held that in this, as in all other matters connected with the government of the colony, without any excep- tion whatever, the governor was constitutionally bound to act only by and with the advice of his responsible ministers. Had he (Mr. Molteno) believed that the governor would persist in maintaining his views, he would have tendered his resignation forthwith, but suddenly at a meeting of the executive council he was informed that he was dismissed. This was the difference in their opinions regarding the matter : had the governor independent power as commander-in-chief, or was his power liraited