Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/136

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ii6 History of the Cape Colony. [1878 3. By Act 9 of 1878 the frontier armed and mounted police were made subject to much stricter discipHne than previously, and thereafter were to be termed the Cape Mounted Riflemen. They, of course, were to be con- stantly on duty, and were regarded as the first line of defence, all the others being auxiliaries, to be called out only if needed. 4. Act 10 of 1878 provided for the regulation of volunteer corps. It encouraged their formation, exempted them from duty as ordinary burghers, made them subject to be called out for service, and regulated their payment and the supply of rations for themselves and their horses when in the field. These several acts gave the government command of a military force extending in the last resort to practically nearly every man capable of bearing arms in the colony. But the cost was enormous, £75,000 for horses alone for the yeomanry regiments, and to meet it new taxes were imposed. 1. By Act 2 of 1878 an excise duty was imposed of one shilling per imperial gallon upon spirits distilled or manufactured within the colony. This met with much opposition, on account of its inquisitorial nature in a country where every vinedresser was a distiller, and its falling upon one section of the people only. Some of the most thoughtful men in parliament opposed it because they foresaw the bitter racial feeling that it would create, but it was carried, and the farmers' protection union, followed by the Afrikander bond was the result. 2. Act 18 of 1878 increased the customs duties on spirits, tobacco, and confectionery imported. This was not objected to by any one, and was rather favoured by the farming population as a protective measure. 3. Act 20 of 1878 imposed a duty upon all houses and buildings, if under the value of ^£100 of 10s. a year, from £100 to £500 20s., from £500 to £750 30s.,