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It was Weininger, a Jew—and also a Jew hater—who explained why so many Jews are naturally communists. Communism is not only an International creed, but it implies the abnegation of real property, especially property in land, and Jews, being international, have never acquired a taste for real property; they prefer money. Money is an instrument of power, though eventually, of course, communists claim that they will do away with money—when their power is sufficiently established to enable them to command goods, and exercise despotic sway without it! Thus the same motives prompt the Jew Communist and his apparent enemy, the financial Jew. When owners of real property in times of economic depression feel the pinch of straightened circumstances, it is the Jewish usurers who become most affluent and who, out of the goodness of their hearts, come to their assistance—at a price.

XVII. Our "Policy."

The complete failure of the Allied politicians even to grasp the meaning of the International-Communistic-Futurist-Sadistic movement, vaguely called Bolshevism, has resulted in a complete absence of policy in dealing with the situation. By attempting to fight against a movement they failed either to understand or guess the nature of, they directly fostered the very conditions upon which it thrived.

Two conditions are necessary in fighting any movement. It is first of all essential to know exactly what is being fought, and secondly, a perfectly definite and positive principle must be opposed to it. This positive principle has never been used to oppose it, see § VII. p. 15–17. No mere "anti" movement has ever triumphed. The struggle