Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/124

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cradle and given her the Marlin nose and chin! She was no longer Charlotte Marlin; she was the apple-tree girl—a little Miss Moses on a pilgrimage, leading herself and her sisters into a promised land where pretty maids count about the same as pretty men, and the average girl can be a heroine just as well as though she were a modern Hebe!

Lady Salisbury drove off—with a beautiful drive—and then Charlotte advanced to her ball again. And, oh, what a silence fell upon the gallery! With deadly precision Charlotte gave the ball such a horrible smack that it swirled in the air as though shot from a gun. It sailed straight down the course and landed thirty yards in front of Lady Salisbury's!

"Ye'll be all right again now," said Mr. Ogilvie, with the exalted assurance of one who knows that his prayers have been answered; and when Charlotte's next shot took her ball to within a few