Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/95

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merry practice, too—with Billy Bates shouting "Jim'ny Christmas!" every time she made a good drive, and exclaiming "Plop!" every time the ball rolled into the hole.

Some days the grass would be wet and Charlotte would say to herself, even as you or I might have done: "I'll take a rest to-day. No use getting my feet wet." But then the thought would come to her: "Suppose the grass is wet on the day of the championship!" And a few minutes later you would have found her out in the orchard, driving the ball around among the trees and getting up such an appetite for breakfast!

Or some days she wouldn't be feeling up to the mark, and then she would say to herself, even as you or I might have done: "I guess I'll take a rest to-day. No use making myself sick." And then would come the answering thought: "But suppose you feel this way on the day of the championship? You've got