Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/102

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walked up and down a bit I noticed something—"


"There's a kind of hall here," Georgie said, "calling itself a theatre, and on the wall there was a bill—a flaming thing all scarlet and black; caught the eye like anything, don't you know. But it wasn't only the bill that caught mine. There was some one reading it."

"Ah!" said I.

"What was she like?" Drusilla asked gently.

Georgie flushed.

"She was crying. I could see the tears rolling down her poor little face, and her eyes were red, as if she'd been crying all night. It makes me feel furious to see a woman cry. I went across and asked her what the matter was. I could see how jolly pretty she must have been if she hadn't cried so much—"

"Well?" I asked sadly. "Go on, Georgie."

"This is the bill."