Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/142

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a ball and giving the other chap such a thundering good licking, I seemed to see 'International' written big all over him."

"Very likely," said I gravely.

He looked up at Drusilla with a quick, charming, boyish laugh. "It all came to me in a flash," said he. "I remembered some one who was always kind and sweet to children. I thought of you."

"Georgie!" Drusilla laughed almost hysterically.

His bright face clouded a little at her reception of his outburst. "Yes," he repeated doggedly, "I thought you might like to adopt him."

I was thunderstruck. Even from Georgie this was overwhelming.

"Yes," he went on earnestly, "I don't suppose old Muffin face will ever be much of a sportsman, and there's no doubt about this chap. It's written big all over him."

"Upon my word!" I gasped. Georgie had surpassed himself.

"You've always been good friends to