Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/154

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"Where is he?"

"Oh, I smuggled him in the back way. He's asleep in my bed. I shall tell her after this crowd's gone home. It'll be all right, I know."

But there was no confidence in his tone, and while I talked to the Goddess Girl, glorious in a misty green gown and a wonderful emerald necklace, I wondered a good deal what the end of this last craze would be.

It fell to my lot to take down prim young Diana, who was almost a stranger to me, and I had watched Georgie at his head of the table for some time before I noticed that she was watching him, too, with even more intensity.

With the Goddess Girl at his right hand to entrance his ears with piquant pearls of pure Virginian, and Drusilla on his left, to laugh at his absurd jokes and listen sympathetically to his odds and ends of youthful wisdom, he ought to have been happy. Obviously, as we passed from one course to another, he grew gay and flushed