Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/174

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a four-mile drive with a temperature like that. Says she's going to fight the beastly thing for all it's worth. Little Diana Leigh wanted to stay and help to nurse. She's not afraid of infection. She's nursed her brothers through everything, and likes it."

"Oh!" said I. I was beginning to see. His enthusiasm was enlightening.

"They won't let her, of course, but she'll stay in the other part of the house till there's no fear of infection for her brothers. She's a jolly good sort."

"Oh!" said I again.

"Yes." Georgie blushed and went away, promising to let me have news the first thing in the morning.

When the news came it was bad. In the afternoon it was worse. But not till Sunday morning did I understand how thoroughly the difficulty as to the disposal of poor Taffy had melted away.

Alas for Georgie's International!