Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/178

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"Yes." Diana was looking wistfully into the fire. She had let his hands go by this. "You have had—experience," said she.

She knew how many times he had lost his heart, and there were no illusions in her own. But she was fond of him and meant to keep him if she could. There would be an end to fancies some day, she supposed, when Princess Fortunate came along, and it might be that she—

"I don't think," said Georgie hotly, "that because a fellow has had fancies for other girls—and got over them—I don't think you ought to fling it in my face as you do. It isn't nice of you, when you know—"

She looked up at him as he stood there, tall and young and handsome; his long, shapeless coat giving extra width to his shoulders. She looked up and laughed a little.

"And what do I know, Georgie?"

He drew her to his side on the oak seat in the chimney nook. They had been left discreetly alone.