Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/226

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I'd have done the same myself. Beastly cheek! Fancy asking a chap when he was dressing for an important match if he was fond of music!"

Georgie ruffled Matthew Arnold's hair indignantly. I laughed.

"I should think it was unusual," said I. "How did Linwood take it?"

Georgie smiled.

"Played up like a good 'un. Said he was—passionately, and told him the triangle was his favorite instrument. You'd have thought that would shut him up, but the fool went on and asked him next what he did to keep so fit. The Linnet eyed him over and his eyes began to glitter. Then he told him a whole lot of utter rot. Said he lived the simple life, and went out at three every morning for a dew-bath. Said he made a point of eating nothing but grape nuts and bananas, and that he always wore sandals and celluloid shirts in warm weather. Gummery was quiet then for a bit, but I could see he kept on watching. I never