Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/228

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poor chap's face. They had scored right under the post! And as if that wasn't bad enough Linwood charged at the ball before it touched the ground, for the place kick. I suppose he was trying to make up for his first mistake, but I wish he'd left it alone, because they appealed for 'no charge' then—got it, and Ernhill (the big forward) kicked a goal. We were five points down after one minute's play. Looked healthy for us, didn't it?"

"It did rather," said I pulling myself together. I had followed his account with some difficulty.

"Well, we kicked off, and things were pretty even till half-time. There was no more scoring. Linwood didn't make any serious bloomers, but he was as nervous as a hen and his one idea was to get rid of the ball as soon as he got it. Our chaps were in the secret, of course, and most of 'em pretty anxious about him, though they hadn't the responsibility I had. I was watching him when I ought to have been thinking of the game, and all at once I