Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/234

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"How did you find the Linnet when you went to dress?" I asked with some curiosity.

Georgie's face fell.

"We didn't find him. When we reached the pavilion we couldn't get in. Chap held the door with benches and tables and things. We heard a rustling and clinking and scuffling and someone breathing hard inside, but we couldn't get in. We were afraid of smashing the door at first, but after a bit we got mad and went for it. It gave quite suddenly and Gummery went in head first and nearly broke his silly neck over my bag. You'd have laughed if you'd seen that dressing-room, Martin."

He chuckled at the memory.

"What was he doing?" said I.

Georgie laughed.

"He wasn't doing anything. He was'nt there. But he'd left us something to re- member him by before he went."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he'd had a giddy little game of Tom Tiddler's Ground," Georgie said.