Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/238

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the worse for the game. I went out while they were grabbing at their paltry property, and looked about for him. The groundsman came up to me at last. Silly fool! 'It's not my fault, sir.'" Georgie was an admirable mimic. "'He bounced out o' that there little winder as hagile and hactive as a leapin' roe. I couldn't 'a' stopped 'im. You couldn't 'a' stopped 'im. No one livin' couldn't 'a' stopped 'im. Not Sandow couldn't nor Hackenschmidt neither. I couldn't 'elp—'"

"I told him to stop jawing," Georgie finished, "and asked him where he was now. Chap sniggered and said: "Is friends 'as bin an' took 'im home, sir.'"

"And had they?" I asked.

Georgie sighed.

"Yes. The doctor and a warder chap were waiting and caught him on the rebound as it were. I think on the whole it was time."

"It does rather seem to have been," said I thoughtfully.