Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/263

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forget it. Please remember that you are still engaged to Diana."

He stared at her stupidly.

"Many a time," Anne said in a low voice, "I have helped you out of your muddles. Perhaps—who knows but I might even help you out of this one."

"Nothing can help me now," said he hopelessly. And she left him to curse his gloomy fate. But that fate was kinder than he thought and was hurrying fast towards him.


He sprang up, brushed his hand across his eyes that he might the better see across the orchard, and found to his shame and horror that they were wet, with tears for Diana. I have always thought that he was fonder of that girl than Drusilla would allow.


Something white was crossing in and out of the apple tree shadows, and as it drew nearer he saw that little specks and flecks of light dappled a girl's fair