Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/270

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Queen of Hearts which was missing. That disgraceful boy had stolen them to send away as valentines. Six of them!"

"Well," said I thoughtfully, "he still carries out his young promise. I don't know his pretty Diana very well, but she seems a young woman of strong principles. She keeps him in order even more than Anne did. Now the Goddess Girl!" I drew a deep breath. "I could understand his feelings there."

"Ah, you always had a weak spot for her. I wonder Drusilla wasn't jealous. But Georgie says the Goddess Girl never held his heart as Diana does. She never blinded and deafened him to other people's charms. This time I think it is more than a mere fancy. He says she's so unexpected. He never knows if she will burst into the wildest school boy slang, or preach to him in texts. He has put her on a very high pedestal indeed."

"Yes," said I, "she's a quaint little lady. And she worships him. There's no doubt about that."