This little brochure was originally printed in Die Neue Zeit, (a Socialist weekly published at Stuttgart, Germany, under the editorship of Karl Kautsky), numbers 4 and 5, Vol. IX, 1890–91. Originally it bore the title: "Wie die Bourgeoisie ihrer Revolution gedenkt," and was reprinted in the WEEKLY PEOPLE, issues of July 31 and August 7, 1926, under the title "How the Bourgeoisie Remembers Its Own Revolution."[1]
It is an excellent sketch of the French Revolution from the viewpoint of the material and economic conflicts between the contending classes. With justifiable scorn George Plechanov holds the great revolution as a mirror before the gaze of the present day bourgeoisie, and riddles the latter's pretences of "respectability" and "law and or-
- ↑ Copyright, 1926, National Executive Committee, Socialist Labor Party of America.