time prevented their entrance upon the struggle.
And now, for the sake of tranquilizing the bourgeois writers, who shudder at the mere thought of the Jacobin rule of terror, we shall present a truth which to us seems irrefutable. The victory of the working class, now impending in all civilized countries, is certain not to be marred by cruelty, because the victory of the cause of labor is made secure by the course of history to an extent that no terror will be needed. Of course, the bourgeois reactionists will be well advised if they abstain from trying to trip up a victorious proletariat and are judicious enough not to imitate the royalist conspirators of the great revolution. "A la guerre comme a la guerre" (in war do as in war, i.e., as war makes necessary) is a true saying and in the heat of the fight it might go hard with the plotters. But, we repeat, the entire course of historic evolution guarantees the success of the proletariat.
On the occasion of the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the great revolution, the French bour-