because of that innermost contradiction between its petty bourgeois conceptions and its endeavor to be a representative of proletarian interests.
To the present-day representatives of the working class, these contradictions are foreign, because modern, scientific Socialism is nothing but the theoretic expression of the unbridgable antagonism of interests between bourgeoisie and proletariat. The impending victory of the working class under the banner of Socialism, is going to be far more glorious than all the "glorious" revolutions of the bourgeoisie put together.
Force, naked force, based upon bayonets and cannon, becomes ever more the only support of bourgeois rule. And candid "theoreticians" make their appearance, who admit without further ado that the prevailing bourgeois order cannot be justified theoretically, and does not require such justification—because the bourgeoisie controls the public powers. Thus, for instance, speaks an Austrian professor, Gumplowicz, in his book "The Political State and Socialism."