Page:Georgii Valentinovich Plekhanov - The Bourgeois Revolution- Its Attainments and Its Limitations - tr. Henry Kuhn (1926).pdf/7

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The Bourgeois Revolution

A year ago there was celebrated in France, as well as in the whole civilized world, the one hundredth anniversary of that revolution which, quite justly, is called "the Great," becatise it forms the initial point of a new historic period. Many benefits followed this event—for the entire civilized world generally and, more particularly, for the bourgeoisie, the French bourgeoisie first of all. This revolution put an end to the rule of the nobiliy and secured to the bourgeoisie front rank in all the departments of public life. All attempts of the restoration to change back the status of things created by the revolution remained unsuccessful, the more so since the reactionaries did