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The Entente offensive did not, however, induce Germany to weaken its pressure on Soviet Russia and thus enable the latter to transfer troops from the western and southern fronts for use against the new enemy. On the contrary, fearing an Entente campaign from the east, the Germans began to take steps to forestall this campaign by seizing beforehand important strategical points. The demarcation line of all the northern border of Ukraine had already been settled, but the eastern border was still undefined, and here occurred a further slow penetration of German troops toward the north and in the southern part of this sector, by means of aid to Krasnov and an attempt to establish connections with the counter-revolutionary forces further east, especially with the Cossacks. But at this time the last great offensive in the west absorbed all the forces of German imperialism; the boiling volcano of Ukraine, surcharged with rebellion, demanded too many German troops; and the forces of German imperialism were no longer adequate for its aggressive designs on the east. After the assassination of Mirbach by the Socialists-Revolutionists of the Left on July 6 it turned out that German imperialism had its hands too full to try to take advantage of this splendid pretext for crushing Soviet Russia. The Soviet Government took all measures to satisfy the German Government, as it was apparent that the assassination of the German representative was the work of the enemies of the Russian Soviet Government, who had simultaneously stirred up a number of rebellions against it. The German Government, however, could argue the lack of safety for its embassy at Moscow; which in fact it did, and on July 14 demanded permission to send to Moscow a battalion of German troops. It appeared to be the most critical moment of our relations with the German imperialism, and in Moscow the working class was already rising heroically for a decisive defense against imperialism and counter-revolution. Confronted with our resolute refusal, the German Government immediately weak-